Toplam kayıt 209, listelenen: 121-140

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      Lean Thinking Principles and an Application in Manufacturer Exporter Company 

      AKSOY MIHOĞLU, Beyza; SANCI, Tuğçe (12th International NCM Conference: New Challenges in Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (NCM2018), 2018-09-11)
      The terms of performance and productivity have a great importance for the manufacturers operating in today’s intense international competition environment so as to counter this condensing rivalry. Performance and productivity ...
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      Madencilikte Çevre Yönetimi 

      TUNÇEZ, Fatma Didem; DURSUN, Şükrü (2018-11-23)
      Madenler, ülkelerin doğal kaynaklarından biri olup sanayinin giderek artan talebini karşılamak için işletilmeleri kaçınılmaz hale gelmektedir. Madencilik faaliyetlerinde doğrudan ve dolaylı olarak çevresel olumsuzluklar ...
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      Maliyet Yöntemlerinin Sınıflandırılması: Soğutma Sektöründe Bir Uygulama 

      BAŞTAN TÖKE, Leyla; YAZICIOĞLU, İsabet Ebru (Anadolu 12. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, 2023-05-26)
      İşletmelerin uzun süre faaliyetlerine devam edebilmeleri için hem yerel hem de uluslararası çapta meydana gelen değişimleri yakından takip ederek rekabet ortamına uygun hareket etmeleri gerekmektedir. Bu süreçte işletmelerin ...
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      Merging Waqf And Sukuk: Should We Or Shouldn’t We? 

      ÇİZAKÇA, Murat (Global Waqf Conference, 2016-09)
      Awqaf New Zealand, an Islamic NGO operating in New Zealand, recently identified sukuk as a tool to finance large awqaf farms to supply livestock and food for the pilgrimage and zakat al-fitr.2 Thus, we are witnessing here ...
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      Mermer Sektörü Ekolojik ve Ekonomik Görünümü 

      SEVİNÇ, Şeyma; BAŞTAN, Erdal; TUNÇEZ, Sebahattin (PA Paradigma Akademi Basın Yayın Dağıtım, 2023-11-01)
      Sürdürülebilir çevre hedeflerine uygun olarak; hammadde için doğal kaynak kullanımı aşamasından başlayarak yaşam döngüsü süreçlerinde türlerin ve habitatların zarar görmesini ve ekosistemlerin bozulmasını önlemek, ...
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      Meşruiyet Kavramının Örgüt Kuramlarındaki Yeri: Yeni Kurumsal Kuram, Kaynak Bağımlılığı Ve Ekoloji Yaklaşımı 

      DUMAN ALPTEKİN, Hazal (Duvar Yayınları, 2023-10)
      Meşruiyet, toplumda sürdürülen eylemlerinin arzu edilir, uygun veya yerinde olduğuna dair genelleştirilmiş bir algıdır. Kavramın yansıttığı ana anlam her ne kadar sade bir patern çizse de, anlamın içerisinde barındırdığı ...
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      ÖZDEMİR, Elif; SADE, Bayram (II. Uluslararası Bilimsel ve Mesleki Çalışmalar Sempozyumu Tam Metin Bildiri Kitabı, 2018)
      Denemede yedi mısır hattı (3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 14.2, 14.20, 14.21, 14.26), üç tester (FRMo 17, FRB 73, ADK 451) ve bu ebeveynlerden line × tester yöntemi ile geliştirilmiş 21 adet melez mısır kombinasyonu incelenmiştir. ...
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      Modeling comorbidity of chronic diseases using coupled hidden Markov model with bivariate discrete copula 

      OFLAZ, Zarina; YOZGATLIGİL, Ceylan; KESTEL, Sevtap (Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 2023-02)
      A range of chronic diseases have a significant influence on each other and share common risk factors. Comorbidity, which shows the existence of two or more diseases interacting or triggering each other, is an important ...
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      Neo- Liberal Application to Labor Market Example of France 

      ÜNAL, Selcan; ATILGAN, Ahmet (International Conference On Arts, Social Science, Economics And Education, 2017-12-26)
      NEO- LIBERAL APPLICATION TO LABOR MARKET EXAMPLE OF FRANCE Res. Asst. Selcan ÜNAL* Neo- liberal fiscal policy is a ideology that dense and prevalent application since 1980. İnvestment incomes focus of this policy and ...
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      Neo-Liberal Dönemde Sosyal Güvenlik 

      ATILGAN, Ahmet (BETA, 2016)
      Sosyal Güvenlik Nedir? Sosyal Güvenlik Bildirileri Kültürden Yasaya Sosyal Güvenlik Türkiye'de Sosyal Güvenliğin Tarihi İkinci Dünya Savaşı'nda Sonra Sosyal Güvenlik Neo-Liberalizmin Uygulanan Politikalara ...
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      Neurometric and biometric measurement of the effectiveness of covid-19-related public service announcements 

      DUMAN ALPTEKİN, Hazal; KÜÇÜN TOMRİS, Nihan; KURT, Merve; ÖZKARA, Behçet Yalın (International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 2024-01-23)
      This research aims to examine the effects of public service advertisements on individuals in Turkey in order to ensure vaccine acceptance during the pandemic. For the relevant objective, a mixed methodology was utilized. ...
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      New Technologies To Reduce Environmental Impacts Of Coalfired Power Plants 

      PEHLİVANZADE, Gülben Gülcan; UYANIK, Sırrı (2nd ICSAE 2015 İnternational Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, 2015)
      Coal is the largest source of power globally and given its wide availability and relatively low cost, it is likely to remain so for the foreseeable future. The High-Efficiency, Low-Emissions Coal-Fired Power Generation is ...
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      A New Tool in the Fight against Climate Change: Green Bonds 

      There is a reality and danger defined as climate change on the agenda of the world. Climate change poses the greatest threat to humanity. It is obvious that environmental shocks will be more extreme and more frequent. ...
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      Nöropazarlama_ pazarlamada Yeni Bir Yaklaşım 

      GEDİK, HASAN; KESEK, Hayrullah (Gazi Kitabevi, 2017)
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      Op-90 Efficiency Of Power Plants With Carbon Capture And Storage 

      The impact of human activities on climate change has been growing by time. One of these activities that causes global warming is continuously increasing consumption of fossil fuels. It is certain that high energy demand ...
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      Optimal Residential Load Control Comparison Using Linear Programming and Simulated Annealing for Energy Scheduling 

      GÜLER, Emre; BAŞARAN FİLİK, Ümmühan (Eskişehir Technical University Journal of Science and Technology A - Applied Sciences and Engineering, 2020-03)
      Many tariffs are used for electricity pricing. Electricity bills can be reduced by choosing the optimal working hours of appliances and for appropriate tariffs in smart homes. In this study, Linear Programming (LP) and ...
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      Optimization Methods for Energy Management System Used in Microgrids: A State of the Art Review 

      GÜLER, Emre; BOZ, Esra (6th International Conference on Engineering Sciences, 2023-02-04)
      Energy is one of the most important needs of human history, especially with the effect of chaos environments such as war and pandemic. There have always been tensions between countries on energy due to the increasing energy ...
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      Organizational Neuroscience: A Bibliometric Analysis and Systematic Literature Review 

      KÜÇÜN TOMRİS, Nihan; DUMAN ALPTEKİN, Hazal (Istanbul Business Research, 2023-11-28)
      The main objective of this paper is to examine the current state of the literature on organizational neuroscience. This study provides the most comprehensive overview of the development of organizational neuroscience which ...
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      Osmanlı Para Vakıfları İle Günümüz Katılım Bankaları Finansal Enstrümanlarının Benzerlikleri 

      AKPINAR, Aynur; DÜZENLİ, Bihter (ISEFE International Congress of Islamic Economy, Finance and Ethics, 2019-04-28)
      Charitable foundations are the institutions where people work voluntarily with the aim of conveying their wealth to poor people in order to prevent poverty. Thus, all institutions established under the name of charitable ...
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      Örgütsel Nörobilim Teknikleri ve Örgütsel Davranış Alanındaki Uygulamalar 

      DUMAN ALPTEKİN, Hazal (Serüven Yayınevi, 2023-10)
      Örgütsel bağlamlarda bireyler ve bireyler arası ilişkilere odaklanan örgütsel davranış çalışmalarında, konunun karmaşık ve çok değişkenli doğası, farklı disiplinlere ait yöntemlerin hızla benimsenmesini ve adapte edilmesini ...