Toplam kayıt 3, listelenen: 1-3

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      An Artificial Neural Network Study for Predicting Sex in Bulls 

      ALLAHVERDİ, Novruz; SADAY, Fatih (2018-04)
      In this study, the research and analyzes were carried out on sex determination of bull sperm cells using an artificial neural network. Gender identification is important in animal breeding, focusing on the desired outcome ...
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      Modeling of annual maximum flows with geographic data components and artificial neural networks 

      ÇUBUKÇU, Aslı; DEMİR, Vahdettin; SEVİMLİ, Mehmet Faik (International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 19-10-20)
      The flow rate at which the instantaneous maximum flow is recorded throughout the year is called the Annual Maximum Flow (AMF). These flow rates often cause disasters such as floods. Snow melts and extreme precipitation ...
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      Sea Water Level Estimation Using Six Different Artificial Neural Networks Training Algorithm 

      ÇUBUKÇU, Esra Aslı; SANCIOĞLU, Sadrettin; DEMİR, Vahdettin; SEVİMLİ, Mehmet Faik (Golden Light Publishing®, a trademark of Dynamic Academy®, 2019)
      Water level estimation is important at various time intervals using the records of past time series in water resources engineering and management. For instance, sea level affects groundwater tables in low-lying coastal areas, ...