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dc.contributor.authorYUMUŞAK, Semih
dc.contributor.authorDOĞDU, Erdoğan
dc.contributor.authorKODAZ, Halife
dc.identifier.issn9781450329231 (ISBN)
dc.description.abstractLinked data systems are still far from maturity. Hence, the basic principles are still open for discussion. In our study on building a novel linked data search engine, we have surveyed fundamental methods of internet search technologies in the context of linked data crawling, indexing, ranking, and monitoring. The scope of this ranking survey covers linked data related statistical ranking, database ranking, document level ranking, and Web ranking techniques. In order to classify the linked data ranking methods, we identified a number of categories. These categories are ontology ranking, RDF ranking, graph ranking, entity ranking, document/domain ranking. At the end of the survey, we have listed the ranking techniques based on the well-known PageRank algorithm. Copyright 2014 ACM.
dc.publisherAssociation for Computing Machinery, Inc
dc.source2014 ACM Southeast Regional Conference, ACM SE 2014
dc.subjectData Processing
dc.subjectInformation Retrieval
dc.titleA Short Survey of Linked Data Ranking
dc.typeKonferans Bildirisi

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Basit öğe kaydını göster