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dc.contributor.authorAFŞAR, Bilge
dc.description.abstractIn the recent years, one of the most spoken issues, not only spoken about them bıt also the most discussed ones, is Chinese economy. When Chinese economy is examined, it is seen that it is a dynamic that is growing the most rapidly all over the word. Especially, with the reforms it realized beginning from 1978, China became the most exporting country and the most attracting foreign capital in the world, following USA. The aim of this study, by examining, in particular, the last 30 years of enormous Chinese economy, is to assess the process from less developedness to becoming the production base of the world from economic point of view. The main argument of paper is that, for China to be able to restore its growth, improvement, and economic transformation to a healthier structure, its economy has entered a structural transformation process. Much as the outcomes China that has a long history obtained from economic point of view are converged to capitalism, its administrators did never put capitalism into words. Thus, Chinese economy, the second largest economy of the world, is termed as socialist market economy. Chinese socialist market, in respect with that it has today reached the point, is a great economic and global actor that was opened to the world, and that has a foreign trade surplus. Keywords: Silk Road, Chinese Economy, foreign capital investment, reformen_US
dc.subjectSilk Road
dc.subjectChinese Economy
dc.subjectForeign Capital Investment
dc.titleA Production Base On The Silk Road Anevaluation On The Development Of Chinese Economyen_US

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