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dc.contributor.authorDELİDUMAN, Canan
dc.contributor.authorKAKAN, Ekin
dc.description.abstractColours face us as a part of nature and our life. Colours, in the field of art, not only add depth and perspective to works but also carry cultural and physiological meanings. When correct colours are pieced together in determined proportions, they will be satisfying in aesthetic view. Colour matches based on the golden ratio have an important role in producing an art work. While artists and scientists are performing their research, they apply to the golden ratio. Accepted as a beauty scale in nature, the golden ratio is considered as a balance between order’s and disorder tension. While expressing aesthetic perception in visual art, lines and forms are taken within a geometrical order with colour culture. In this research, the aim is to study and improve matched colours in colour wheel. Descriptive and experimental data tools have been used as a method. According to the golden ratio in colour wheel, it has been observed that colours within an angel 137° to each other harmonize and the transverse colours within an angel 180° to each other have an equaliser feature. In this context, seven colour contrasts mainly have been applied. In graphic design, while matched colours are preferred to draw attention, in other plastic arts, more different colour matches have been applied to produce works.en_US
dc.publisherGece Kitaplığıen_US
dc.subjectColour Knowledge
dc.subjectColour Matches
dc.subjectColour Wheel
dc.subjectThe Golden Ratio
dc.title.alternativeDeliduman, C. & Kakan, E. (2018). Colour Ratios in Painting Art (1. Basım). Güzel Sanatlarda Güncel Akademik Çalışmalar İçinden (Ed. Yılmaz, M.). Ankara: Gece Kitaplığı, ISBN: 978-605-288-199-6. (Kitapta Bölüm).en_US
dc.typeKitap Bölümüen_US

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