Toplam kayıt 53, listelenen: 3-22

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      Arap Dilinde Tabirler ve Bağlaçlar 

      SÖNMEZ, Ramazan (Konevi Yayınları, 2022)
      Arapça yapısı itibarıyla çekimli ya da diğer bir deyişle bükümlü diller grubunda yer alır. Bükümlü dillerde kök harflerine yapılan bir takım ilavelerle ve değişimlerle yeni kavramlar türetilir. Gerek yazılı gerekse sözlü ...
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      Arapçada Eş Anlamlılık Ve Kelimeler Arasındaki Anlam Benzerliği 

      CENGİZ, Saffet (Karatay Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2021-04-30)
      Synonyms abound in all languages and may differ within and between languages. The issue of whether there is a synonym in language is still a matter of debate. Whether there is a synonymy in the language is still a matter ...
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      Atasözleri, Deyimler ve Dile Özgü İfadelerin Çevirisi: el-Bâkî mine'z-Zaman Sâa' Örneği 

      ERSÖZ, Fatma (V. Uluslararası Rumeli Sempozyumu, 2023-06-03)
      Çeviri, yalnızca bir dilden başka bir dile yapılan aktarımı ifade etmez; aynı zamanda bir kültürden başka bir kültüre yapılan aktarımı da kapsar. Buna göre bir kültürü kültür yapan unsurlardan olan atasözleri, deyimler ve ...
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      A Contemporary Perspective on English Language Teaching 

      ÇUBUKÇU, Gamze; YURTOĞLU, Gizem Özlem (Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, 2022-12)
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      Çeviri ve Dil Öğretimi 

      ÇAKIR, Abdülkadir (Çizgi Kitabevi, 2017-12)
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      Çeviride Yeni Bir Yönlendirici Eyleyen: "Duyarlık Okuru" 

      YANAR, Öznur (Hiperyayın, 2019)
      Torbalı, Öznur Yanar. «Çeviride Yeni Bir Yönlendirici Eyleyen:"Duyarlık Okuru".» Taş, Seda. Çeviri Üzerine Gözlemler. İstanbul: Hiperyayın, 2019. 243-263.
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      Çeviriyi Yönlendiren Batı Algısı: Çevirmenin Sesi ve Görünürlüğü 

      YANAR, Öznur (Hiperyayın, 2018)
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      Çocuklar için Arapça Şiirler ve Türkçeleri 

      UZUN, Tacittin (Efsus Yayınları, 2017-04-02)
      Dil iletişimi, kültürün devamlılığını sağlayan bir varlıktır. Bu yönüyle dil öğretimi, büyük bir önem arz etmektedir. Şiir, toplumsal hayatın en temel öğesi olup, dilin ve insanın özüdür. Şiir hem araç, hem de amaç olarak ...
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      Developing English as a Foreign Language Skills Through Multiplayer Online Computer Games 

      ALTINBAŞ, Mehmet Emre; SAVAŞ, Perihan (International Journal on E-Learning, 2020-10)
      The aim of the present study was to investigate the outcomes of using multiplayer online computer games for the development of English as a foreign language (EFL) skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking). For this ...
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      Devrimden Önce ve Sonra Tunus 

      CENGİZ, Saffet (2019-12-18)
      Abstract In Tunisia and after Mohammad Bouazizi, who has 26 years old, set on fire his body in front of police office at Sidi bou zid, the pace of manifestations and strikes were rose. The country was ready for his uprising ...
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      Dilde Eş Anlamlılık Sorunu ve Çeviri Üzerindeki Etkisi 

      CENGİZ, Saffet (Uluslararası Bilimsel Araştırmalar ve Yenilikçi Çalışmalar Sempozyumu, 2021-02-22)
      THE ISSUE OF SYNONYMY IN LANGUAGE AND ITS EFFECT ON TRANSLATION ABSTRACT Whether there is a synonymy in the language is still a matter of debate. For this reason, both researchers and linguists are divided ...
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      Dreams Of Highway: Dreams Over Reality In Mulholland Drive 

      ERGÜN, Hasan Emre (2021-06-24)
      In contrast to general belief, no one can construe a dream in the right manner. The diversity in the society embodies itself in the fantasy of each person out there. The perplexed visions become so wobbly that our conscious ...
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      Ebu Hanife’ye Göre, Nahivle İlgili Bazı Delaletler (Manalar) ve Onların Fıkhî Hükme Etkileri 

      ALKARAZ, Alaa Aldeen (Karatay Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2019-09-16)
      In this study, the importance of nakhiv in the science of fiqh, the personality of Imam Abu Hanifa, his method followed in the science of fiqh and its scientific status are discussed. In addition, it is stated that Abu ...
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      Effects of cognitive task complexity on L2 written output 

      ÇELİK, Mehmet (Karatay Social Sciences Research Journal, 2018-09-15)
      The question that which type of writing tasks learners exhibit their skills and improve their language proficiency receives different answers. Whether a language task, which requires attention, memory, reasoning, with ...
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      Effects of Different Reading Texts on Vocabulary Gain, Use and Retention 

      ÇAKIR, Abdulhamit; OKYAR, Hatice (Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 2019)
      This study investigated whether encountering the target language words in variety of reading texts would have positive effects on vocabulary development or not. The participants of the study were 55 EFL learners from a ...
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      The Effects of explicit recasts and output-only prompts on learning L2 grammar 

      ÇELİK, Mehmet; SARANDI, Hedayat (Hacettepe University Journal of Education. Advance online publication, 2018)
      : This quasi-experimental study investigates the potential benefits of two types of corrective feedback strategies, explicit recasts and output-only prompts, on the acquisition of English third person ‘-s’. Thirty-six language ...
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      Effects Of L1 And L2 Glosses On Incıdental Vocabulary Learnıng of Efl Prep Students 

      YORGANCI, Mehtap (Electronic Turkish Studies, 2017)
      The role of vocabulary in foreign language learning is crucially important. Along with other techniques, using glosses is a popular vocabulary technique in language learning. The present study focused on text based ...
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      The Effects of the Language Used During Instruction on Students' Performance in Learning Grammar Patterns 

      DEMİRKESEN, Burak (CUELT, 2017-04-20)
      In recent years, English language teaching in Turkey has greatly evolved due to the modern teaching techniques and methods, most of which encourage teachers to embrace indirect teaching styles heavily based on communicative ...
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      Emerging intercultural identity in the Turkish EFL context 

      ÇELİK, Mehmet (MSUK Journal of Education, 2018)
      The paper argues that for individuals to develop intercultural identity, they do not necessarily need to experience intercultural experiences. A questionnaire devised by the author is administered to 227 Turkish learners ...
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      Facilitating Function of Prefixes and Suffixes in Practising Inferencing Strategies in Translation 

      ÇAKIR, Abdulkadir; YURTOĞLU, Gizem Özlem (International Journal of Language and Translation Studies, 2023-12-25)
      Translation, similar to the reading act, is an in-depth process that involves linguistic, social and cultural components. This intricate process of translation can only be carried out correctly by translators who are true ...