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dc.contributor.advisorYALÇIN, Hatice
dc.contributor.authorÇELEBİ LİMONCU, İkbal
dc.description.abstractChild development science field; It refers to the sequence of physical, language, thought and emotional changes that occur in a child from birth to the beginning of adulthood. Children's cognitive, language, social, emotional, psychomotor, sexual and moral development is largely completed between the ages of 0-6. Early childhood is among the most critical periods of life. During this period, children's personal awareness develops and they acquire basic values and attitudes. The 0-6 age period is of great importance because the child's basic knowledge, skills and habits are acquired in this early period, his mental abilities are rapidly developed and shaped, and the first foundations of his development are laid in this period. In early childhood; Children should be given a variety of opportunities to be kind, thoughtful, strong, adventurous, emotional, courageous, gentle, resilient, assertive, active and supportive. Families and teachers in early childhood; It should support children's moral values. At the same time, the child should be helped to learn values consciously. Providing an environment sensitive to morals and ethics can help children develop their full potential. Raising children as "qualified" individuals is the main purpose of the education systems of all societies. The immediate social environment and especially the family have responsibilities in helping children adopt moral values. This study includes information emphasizing that values education in early childhood plays an important role in the moral development of children. It is anticipated that this information will create a significant information infrastructure for families, child development experts and mental health professionals.en_US
dc.publisherKTO Karatay Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsüen_US
dc.subjectErken Çocukluk Dönemien_US
dc.subjectDeğerler Eğitimien_US
dc.subjectAhlak Gelişimien_US
dc.titleErken Çocuklukta Verilen Değerler Eğitiminin Çocuğun Ahlak Gelişimine Etkilerinin İncelenmesien_US

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