Toplam kayıt 2, listelenen: 1-2

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      An Assessment on The Education of Syrian Children in Turkey 

      ALPTEKİN, Kamil; AKARÇAY ULUTAŞ, Demet; USTABAŞI GÜNDÜZ, Dilara (Akçağ Yayınları, 2021)
      Migration is an important sociological phenomenon which emerges especially with economic, social, and political-based changes such as industrialization, urbanization, globalization, wars, regime changes and military ...
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      Intolerance of Uncertainty in the Covid-19 Outbreak: A Study on Social Work Students in Konya 

      AKARÇAY ULUTAŞ, Demet; USTABAŞI GÜNDÜZ, Dilara (OPUS Journal of Society Research, 2022)
      In addition to being a health problem, the Covid-19 epidemic also causes fundamental problems in areas such as the economy, social, political, and education at the global level. People continue to live daily with fears ...