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dc.contributor.authorBACAK, Fatma Nur
dc.description.abstractHousing is a physical space where man finds himself from the moment a person comes to the World, the first steps are taken in the development of personality and selfness, the rules of social relations and social values are acquired and reproduced. It is the most important place to eat, to sleep, to get personal needs, shortly, to live in [1]. From the former time to daily time, these places are changing and developing day by day with many effects such as living conditions, environmental conditions, political interactions, aesthetic, climate conditions and population increase. In terms of political interactions, after the declaration of the republic in Turkey, radical changes in the meaning of housing in the country had come to happen. The fact that Turkey is entering a new turn has led to some question marks on the minds. Among them, they like such as whether or not to be taken as an avant-garde, reformist or being in evolutionary attitude. While some architects are accepting the avant-garde style, some had wanted to follow the traditional forms. However, many factors within the country have lost the closeness to traditionalism and modern housing has begun to take its place. These, which have both positive and negative features in many ways, started to influence since the republican period and the present day. Sedat Hakkı Eldem, who created the typology of traditional Turkish architecture, designed both functional and modern structures combining the features of republican architecture with the functionality of past structures. The architect, who is close to the views of Frank Lloyd Wright, effected the period. Besides this, many architects carried out the ideas of the reflects architecture style of the republican period up to date. This study examines how today's housing structures are shaped and developed and what things provide superiority or negative features modern buildings to traditional.
dc.subjectHousing Development
dc.subjectTraditional Housing
dc.subjectRepublican Period
dc.subjectArchitecture in Turkey
dc.titleHousing Development In Turkey Since The Republic’s Announcementen_US

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