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dc.contributor.authorECEM SOYSA, Rukiye
dc.contributor.authorSAĞDIÇ, Hayriye
dc.contributor.authorDURAN, Büşra
dc.contributor.authorKARAKOÇ, Hediye
dc.description.abstractCaesarean section operation; It is generally defi ned as a surgical procedure in which the fetus is removed by incision when vaginal delivery is not possible. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends cesarean section delivery in risky situations for the mother and the baby. Cesarean section is very important for mother and baby when applied in case of indication. When applied in unnecessary situations, it brings with it many negativities in terms of both mother and fetus, such as attachment, breastfeeding, postpartum pain, and prolongation of the recovery period. Today, cesarean section has become more preferred by showing it as an alternative way to vaginal delivery. In this review, the physiological, psychological and social causes of cesarean delivery were examined. When the research results are examined; It has been determined that many factors such as age, high education level, benefi ts that are misunderstood about the cesarean section operation, the list of indications being too wide, lack of spousal support, and social media cause the preference for cesarean section. These reasons show that cesarean section is performed in most cases where it is not necessary. In our country, where the medical care model is adopted, the popularity of cesarean section is very high. There are many benefi ts that are not real in cesarean section. It is thought that the primary step to change this false information is to eliminate the ambiguity of normal birth and to change the misshaped birth perception.
dc.publisher5. Uluslararası 6. Ulusal Ebelik Kongresien_US
dc.subjectCesarean Delivery
dc.subjectBirth Preference
dc.subjectType of Birth
dc.titlePhysiological, Psychological and Social Reasons For Preference of Cesarean Sectionen_US
dc.typeKonferans Bildirisien_US

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