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dc.contributorPAPAĞAN, Şerife Betül
dc.contributorDELİDUMAN, Canan
dc.descriptionAlphabet Design, Writing in Paintingen_US
dc.description.abstractAbstract: Writing is a written expression language formed since the existence of the history of humanity and has an ideographic meaning. It has always continued its development to communicate with each other and convey events and situations easily. With the invention of writing, different expression techniques and formats have emerged. Each community has its own narrative technique and writing style. Societies have been exposed to several acculturations due to living a nomadic life. Thanks to the writing and language structure that is unique to societies, every society has been affected by this sitation. In this context, the Turkish nation has used many letters in line with their region, geography, religions, cultures, and civilizations Four of these letters were actively used. However, the Latin letter was the Turkish nation’s last letter, and it still maintains its validity. Additionally, due to the religious belief of the Turkish nation, they also included Arabic letters. They produced works inspired by Arabic letters and today's artists continue to produce works. This research aims to explain the text and use it by transforming it into different forms. The fonts used in the Turkish letter are included. This study has emerged in order to determine the different forms of quoting, transformation and transfer of the Arabic letter in the sampled contemporary works of art. Within the scope of the article, data were collected by making visual analyses, readings and literature reviews. As a result of the data obtained, examples of the meaning of writing and its use in plastic arts are stated. The works of today's contemporary artists were examined using examples. This study reveals the use and interpretation of the Arabic script in contemporary art by contemporary Turkishen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipKTO Karatay Üniversitesien_US
dc.publisherTurkish Studiesen_US
dc.subjectTurkish Choronologyen_US
dc.subjectComtemporary Art
dc.titleAlfabenin Çağdaş Türk Sanatında yerien_US
dc.title.alternativeThe Place of Alfabet in Comtemporaray Turkish Arten_US

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