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dc.contributorTÜRK DÜDÜKCÜ, Figen
dc.contributorTAŞ ARSLAN, Fatma
dc.description.abstractTransition refers to the change of role from known situations to new unknown situations. From a theoretical point of view; The transition to parenthood is a developmental transition that involves certain stages and patterns. The individual's or family members' diagnosis of a disease is the transition from a health disease, and the losses in the family are situational transitions. Each transition is difficult, and it includes many factors that inhibit transition. In this study, the woman who had multiple, consecutive and simultaneous developmental, health-disease and situational transitions was handled according to SK Transition Theory and nursing care was applied. Nursing care was started during pregnancy and continued in the postpartum period. Written and verbal permission was obtained from Ms. SK for the study. In line with the results of the nursing care applied, it can be said that; Transition Theory seems to be an appropriate tool to enable nurses to understand transitions. It has the potential to help professionals identify appropriate strategies and practices, especially to provide adequate assistance and support to parents. This is important because, as Meleis points out, an important function of nursing is to help people manage their life transitions.en_US
dc.subjectGeçiş Kuramıen_US
dc.subjectTransition Theoryen_US
dc.subjectBebek Gelişimi
dc.subjectInfant Development
dc.titleGeçiş Kuramı Üzerine Anneliğe Geçişte İzlemsel Bir Olgu Çalışmasıen_US

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