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dc.contributor.authorYILMAZ, Ayşegül
dc.contributor.authorERDEM, Özlem
dc.description.abstractAbstract: The COVID-19 virus, which appeared in Wuhan, China in December 2019, has affected the whole world and caused the COVID-19 epidemic (pandemic). In Turkey, the first case was seen Covidien-19 on March 11, 2020 and has become epidemic in the country in a short time. Turkey has achieved great success compared to other countries in the fight against COVID-19. Undoubtedly, nurses played an important role in this process. In the fight against COVID-19, nurses were among the healthcare professionals who provide close contact healthcare services to patients 24/7. Nurses witnessed the emotional difficulties patients and their relatives experienced by COVID-19, and provided care to their patients in the light of scientific knowledge under severe psychological and physical conditions. It is a fact that during the epidemic, patients have a hard time away from their families and need compassion. The sense of compassion, which known as the the power to mobilize to relieve pain is that universal value and it acts as a bridge between the individual in need of help and the caregiver. Thanks to compassionate nursing care, the feeling of helping patients during the epidemic, understanding the problems and troubles of them and their families, and helping them also prevented the idea that self-harm might occur while performing the profession of nurses. Studies have reported that Turkish nurses have a medium-high level of sense of compassion and a positive relationship between sense of compassion and quality care. This finding success in Turkey's fight against the epidemic COVID-19 in the light of compassionate nursing care can say that is an important factor. Therefore, in this review, it is aimed to reveal the importance of compassionate nursing care in terms of patients, nurses and quality of care in the COVID-19 epidemic process.en_US
dc.publisherOnline International Conference of COVID-19 (CONCOVID)en_US
dc.subjectNursing Care
dc.titleThe Importance Of Compassionate Nursing Care In The Covid-19 Epidemic Processen_US
dc.typeKonferans Bildirisien_US

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