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dc.contributor.authorBUDAK, Hatice
dc.description.abstractThe individuals of the near past approving the law makers with a passive identity today have been trying to be the active actors by getting power from their own comments. This battle is for the public to be accepted as a value and on the behalf of suplying the public demands through a positive and integrative democracy. It also has the aim of solving the problems that prevent the individual from reaching ``a common life atmosphere{''} by graying him through minimizing or excluding him through marginalizing. With this aim, the sophisticated effort analyzes every means that will improve the relationship between democracy and public sphere by adding them into academic discussions. The location of the new media in this solution process has shown a positive and negative spread. While the new media is compelling the word-speech principal of the public communication with its visual interaction, individuals are trying to get accustomed to this new language. In these new media platforms, individuals are trying to find the formulae for building and maintaining the communication based upon the togetherness of speech and action while, as a politic actor, looking for the possible ways of restraining their identity from turning into a show object. In this study, the current position of the new media has been determined by discussing its possibility to be a public sphere between the state and the society in the related literaure and some suggestions have been asserted.
dc.sourceSelçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (SEFAD) / Selçuk University Journal of Faculty of Letters
dc.subjectPublic Sphere
dc.subjectNew Media
dc.titleTransforming Structures In Public Sphere: From Agora To Virtual Extension

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