Toplam kayıt 3, listelenen: 1-3

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      Islamic Insurance Applications In Economy: Sample Of Malaysia 

      AFŞAR, Bilge; KARADAĞ, Melahat (2014-09)
      Today, one of the basic reason impeding the development of insurance sector, one of the most important elements of the capital market and economic world with its economic utilities rather than its economic utilities, is ...
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      İslami Sigorta Uygulaması: Takaful 

      KARADAĞ, Melahat (Gazi Kitabevi, 2018-10)
      İlk çağlardan itibaren insanoğlu sürekli tehlikelerle ve risklerle karşılaşmış, yaşam mücadelesi vermiş ve bu mücadeleleri can, mal ve mülkiyet kaybıyla sonuçlanmıştır. Toplumlar yaşamları boyunca ortaya çıkan bu zarar ...
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      Proposals Of Insurance Model To Interest Free Banking 

      KARADAĞ, Melahat; SELÇUK, Hamide (2014-05)
      Since the ancient times, humankind has always been faced with hazardous situations, struggled to survive and experienced loss of lives, property and valuables at the end of these combats. Societies have been applied ...