Now showing items 1-8 of 8

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      Arapçada Eş Anlamlılık Ve Kelimeler Arasındaki Anlam Benzerliği 

      CENGİZ, Saffet (Karatay Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2021-04-30)
      Synonyms abound in all languages and may differ within and between languages. The issue of whether there is a synonym in language is still a matter of debate. Whether there is a synonymy in the language is still a matter ...
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      Devrimden Önce ve Sonra Tunus 

      CENGİZ, Saffet (2019-12-18)
      Abstract In Tunisia and after Mohammad Bouazizi, who has 26 years old, set on fire his body in front of police office at Sidi bou zid, the pace of manifestations and strikes were rose. The country was ready for his uprising ...
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      Dilde Eş Anlamlılık Sorunu ve Çeviri Üzerindeki Etkisi 

      CENGİZ, Saffet (Uluslararası Bilimsel Araştırmalar ve Yenilikçi Çalışmalar Sempozyumu, 2021-02-22)
      THE ISSUE OF SYNONYMY IN LANGUAGE AND ITS EFFECT ON TRANSLATION ABSTRACT Whether there is a synonymy in the language is still a matter of debate. For this reason, both researchers and linguists are divided ...
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      Filoloji Alanında Uluslararası Araştırmalar 

      CENGİZ, Saffet (EĞİTİM YAYINEVİ, 2022-06-10)
      Elinizdeki bu çalışma ile Filoloji alanına ışık tutmak ve katkı sunmak hedeflenmiştir. Bu çalışma, Filoloji alanını bütün yönleriyle ortaya koyma iddiasında olmamakla birlikte, bu alanda faaliyet gösteren araştırmacılara ...
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      The Problem Of Synonymy In Arabic And The Place Of Synonymy In Language 

      CENGİZ, Saffet (Azerbaijan Khazar University İnternational Hazar Scientific Researches Conference II, 2021-04-25)
      ABSTRACT Whether there is a synonymy in the language is still a matter of debate. For this reason, both researchers and linguists are divided into two groups: those who see and don't see language synonymy as a problem. ...
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      Sarf Kitabı ( Osmanlıcadan Günümüz Alfabesine Çeviri, Sadeleştirme Ve Notlar) 

      CENGİZ, Saffet (Son Çağ Yayıncılık, 2020-09-05)
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      A Theorem Of Furuq In Language and The Method Of Ebu Hilal Al-Askeri In Approaching Words 

      CENGİZ, Saffet (2nd International Baku Conference On Scientific Research, 2021-04-28)
      Verbal communication and language are two distinguishing characteristics that make human beings superior to other creatures. Nowadays, it is not known exactly how much the language used by human beings has changed ...
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      المترادفات في العربية وأثرها في اللغة 

      CENGİZ, Saffet (Uluslararası FSMVÜ Arap Dili ve Edebiyatı Araştırmaları Kongresi, 2021-02-28)
      المترادفات في العربية وآثارها في اللغة الباحث صفوت جنكيز جامعة كاراتي [email protected] 0000-0003-4671-444X الملخص كثير من العرب اليوم يجهلون الفرق بين مترادفات لغتهم، ودلالة كل كلمة، والوجه الصحيح الذي ...