Toplam kayıt 8, listelenen: 7-8

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      Three spirals: Breastfeeding problems, growth spurts, and postpartum depression 

      ONAT, Güliz; KARAKOÇ, Hediye (Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 2020)
      Purpose: The inadequacy experienced in maintaining breastfeeding was tried to be understood within the framework of Meleis' theory, and its relationship with growth spurts and postpartum depression was attempted to be ...
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      The unseen aspect of negative birth experience: blues of birth 

      KARAKOÇ, Hediye; UÇTU KUL, Arzu (Health Care for Women International, 2023)
      The purpose of the authors in this paper is to investigate the effects of negative experiences during delivery and postpartum period on the relationship between the mother. The quantitative part of this study was conducted ...