Toplam kayıt 2, listelenen: 1-2

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      Dilde Eş Anlamlılık Sorunu ve Çeviri Üzerindeki Etkisi 

      CENGİZ, Saffet (Uluslararası Bilimsel Araştırmalar ve Yenilikçi Çalışmalar Sempozyumu, 2021-02-22)
      THE ISSUE OF SYNONYMY IN LANGUAGE AND ITS EFFECT ON TRANSLATION ABSTRACT Whether there is a synonymy in the language is still a matter of debate. For this reason, both researchers and linguists are divided ...
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      Facilitating Function of Prefixes and Suffixes in Practising Inferencing Strategies in Translation 

      ÇAKIR, Abdulkadir; YURTOĞLU, Gizem Özlem (International Journal of Language and Translation Studies, 2023-12-25)
      Translation, similar to the reading act, is an in-depth process that involves linguistic, social and cultural components. This intricate process of translation can only be carried out correctly by translators who are true ...