Toplam kayıt 69, listelenen: 69-69

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      Zingiber Officinalis: Pharmalogical Properties And Drug Interactions 

      SONER, Burak Cem; PİŞKİN, Mehmet Mesut; AL, Mevra; ŞAHİN, Ayşe Saide (I. International Congress On Medicinal And Aromatic Plants "Natural And Healty Life" Book Of Abstracts, 2017-05-10)
      ZINGIBER OFFICINALIS: PHARMACOLOGICAL PROPERTTIES AND DRUG INTERACTIONS Burak Cem Soner1, Mehmet Mesut Pişkin2, Mevra Al3, Ayşe Saide Şahin1 ABSTRACT Ginger has been widely using, as a cooking spice and medicinal plant ...