Now showing items 21-40 of 58

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      Energy Supply Chain and Energy Security 

      ÖZKAN NESİMİOĞLU, Şerife (NCM Conferences, 2018)
      Energy Supply Chain and Energy Security Şerife Özkan Nesimioğlu Correspondence: [email protected] In general, supply chain security is a prominent part of energy security, which is defined as ...
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      Türkiye Enerji Güvenliği ve Dışa Bağımlılığın Azaltılmasında Yenilenebilir Enerjinin İşlevi 

      UYANIK, Sırrı; SUCU, M. Yavuz (Uluslararası GAP Yenilenebilir Enerji Ve Enerji Verimliliği Kongresi - 2018, 2018)
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      Geniş Kitle Psikolojisi Ve İslam Toplumlarının Radikal Örgütlerine Bakışı 

      ÖZKAN NESİMİOĞLU, Şerife (Dora Basım-Yayın Dağıtım Ltd. Şti. 2018, 2018)
      Uluslararası X.Uludağ Uluslararası İlişkiler Kongresi GENİŞ KİTLE PSİKOLOJİSİ VE İSLAM TOPLUMLARININ RADİKAL ÖRGÜTLERİNE BAKIŞI Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Şerife Özkan NESİMİOĞLU* ÖZET Küresel anlamda terörizmle mücadelenin en ...
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      ÖZDEMİR, Elif; SADE, Bayram (II. Uluslararası Bilimsel ve Mesleki Çalışmalar Sempozyumu Tam Metin Bildiri Kitabı, 2018)
      Denemede yedi mısır hattı (3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 14.2, 14.20, 14.21, 14.26), üç tester (FRMo 17, FRB 73, ADK 451) ve bu ebeveynlerden line × tester yöntemi ile geliştirilmiş 21 adet melez mısır kombinasyonu incelenmiştir. ...
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      Heterosis And Heterobeltiosis Of Some Morphological Traits In Maize 

      ÖZDEMİR, Elif; SADE, Bayram (2018)
      This study evaluated heterosis (Hs) and heterobeltiosis (Hb) rates of 21 progenies produced with seven inbred lines (3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 14.2, 14.20, 14.21 and 14.26) and three testers (FRMo 17, FRB 73 and ADK 451) by line × ...
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      Yeşil Ekonomi İçin İnovasyon Yaklaşımı 

      TUNÇEZ, Fatma Didem; BAŞTAN, Leyla; SEVİNÇ, Şeyma (2018-05-08)
      The regeneration of the disturbed ecologic balance is difficult, sometimes impossible. In this respect, provision of environmental protection-utilization balance is possible with all participation of the societies. Balanced ...
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      Ereğli İlçesinin Biyogaz Potansiyelinin Belirlenmesi 

      TUNÇEZ, Fatma Didem (2018-06-08)
      Türkiye’nin büyüme ve kalkınma hedefleri, enerji ihtiyacının da büyümeye orantılı olarak hızlı bir şekilde artacağı anlamına gelmektedir. Artan enerji ihtiyacının kömür, petrol ve doğalgaz gibi fosil yakıtlardan karşılanması ...
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      Use Of Marble Waste As Alternative Raw Material For Sustainable Cement Production 

      TUNÇEZ, Fatma Didem (2018-06-22)
      The materials which have the property of hardening and bonding the materials around it in the reaction with water are called "Hydraulic Binder". Cement; it is a water-insoluble hydraulic binder which subsequently hardens ...
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      Madencilikte Çevre Yönetimi 

      TUNÇEZ, Fatma Didem; DURSUN, Şükrü (2018-11-23)
      Madenler, ülkelerin doğal kaynaklarından biri olup sanayinin giderek artan talebini karşılamak için işletilmeleri kaçınılmaz hale gelmektedir. Madencilik faaliyetlerinde doğrudan ve dolaylı olarak çevresel olumsuzluklar ...
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      Konya koşullarında geliştirilmiş atdişi mısır hatlarının bazı agro-morfolojik ve fizyolojik özelliklerinin korelasyonu 

      ÖZDEMİR, Elif; SADE, Bayram (2019)
      The trial was conducted at Research and Application area of Selcuk University Agriculture Faculty during 2013 growing season. The seeds of 31 dent corn lines were used as materials and 12 agro – morphological and ...
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      Using Of Pumice And Corbonification Sludge For Sustainable Agriculture 

      TUNÇEZ, Fatma Didem; KARAKAPLAN, Saim (2019-04-20)
      The recovery of wastewater sludge in agriculture is an opportunity for minimization of waste. Sustainable production approach will be provided by using sugar wastes in agriculture. The aim of this study is to research ...
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      Kompost ve Biyogaz Tesisleri Alanında Konya Sinerjisi 

      TUNÇEZ, Fatma Didem; BAŞTAN, Erdal (International Symposium for Environmental Science and Engineering Research, 2019-05-25)
      Storage of livestock waste on inappropriate conditions; creating visual pollution and various gases resulting from waste stack affect the air quality of the region negatively. Uncontrolled landfilling of waste threatens ...
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      Atdişi Mısır (Zea mays indentata Sturt.) Genotiplerinde Verim ve Verim Unsurlarının Genetik Analizi 

      The research was conducted during 2015 – 2016 growing seasons at SUAF (Selcuk University Agriculture Faculty Crop Science Department) Prof. Dr. Abdulkadir AKCIN trial area. Seven inbred lines (3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 14.2, 14.20, ...
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      Küreselleşmeyle Oluşan Atık Sorununu Çözmeye Yönelik Yaklaşımlar 

      BAŞTAN TÖKE, Leyla; ERGÜLEN, Ahmet (2020)
      Endüstriyel gelişmelere bağlı olarak; refah toplumunda ayakta kalabilmek, kalkınma yapabilmek ve üstünlük sağlamak amacıyla yapılan faaliyetler, doğanın dengesini olumsuz etkileyip tahribata sebep olmuş, bunun yanında 20. ...
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      Improving the bio-reclamation efficiency of petrol-derived wastes with Trichocladium Canadense 

      TUNÇEZ, Fatma Didem; ÇALIŞIYOR, Aslınur; ÖZBAYRAM, Emine Gözde; İNCE, Bahar; İNCE, Orhan; TOPRAK, Songül (2nd IWA Polish Young Water Professionals Conference, 2020-02-12)
      It is known that petroleum and its derivatives causes significant pollution in the environment as a result of accidents during the production, transportation and utilization processes. The low boiling compounds and aromatics ...
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      Optimal Residential Load Control Comparison Using Linear Programming and Simulated Annealing for Energy Scheduling 

      GÜLER, Emre; BAŞARAN FİLİK, Ümmühan (Eskişehir Technical University Journal of Science and Technology A - Applied Sciences and Engineering, 2020-03)
      Many tariffs are used for electricity pricing. Electricity bills can be reduced by choosing the optimal working hours of appliances and for appropriate tariffs in smart homes. In this study, Linear Programming (LP) and ...
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      100 Soruda Sürdürülebilir Enerji 

      UYANIK, Sırrı (Nobel Bilimsel Eserler, 2021-08)
      Bu kitap; enerji konusunda “zamanın ruhu”nu anlama ve anlamlandırmaya çalışan kapsayıcı, doyurucu ve merak uyandırıcı bir özet yapabilme çabasının bir sonucudur. “Doğru soruyu sormak bilmenin yarısıdır.” sözünden hareketle ...
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      A New Tool in the Fight against Climate Change: Green Bonds 

      There is a reality and danger defined as climate change on the agenda of the world. Climate change poses the greatest threat to humanity. It is obvious that environmental shocks will be more extreme and more frequent. ...
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      Trade Liberalization and the Environment: The Case of China 

      UÇKUN ÖZKAN, Ayşegül (Ekonomik Yaklaşım, 2021-11)
      China has been involved in the process of globalization since 1978 through a comprehensive liberalization of its foreign trade and investment regimes. Especially after becoming a member of the World Trade Organization ...
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      Renewable Energy Development In Turkey And Its Potential To Help Combat Climate Change 

      UYANIK, Sırrı; UÇKUN ÖZKAN, Ayşegül (International World Energy Conference, 2021-11-04)
      Primary energy consumption is increasing day by day due to Turkey's growing population, rapid urbanization and rapid economic growth. A large part of the energy need is provided from fossil fuels. This causes approximately ...