Toplam kayıt 14, listelenen: 1-14

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      Activities and Uses Over Buildings, The Infinite Happiness By Ila Bêka and Louise Lemoine 

      DEMİRKAN, Özlem (Ege University International Design & Cinema Symposium, 2021-10-15)
      While architecture offers spaces to produce cinema in, cinema simultaneously makes the existence of these spaces visible, using them as a material. Concurrently, space becomes the subject of cinema, too. Documentary films ...
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      A Critical Approach To Distance Education From The Perspective Of The Architectural Studio Instructors 

      ATMACA, Merve; HATİPOĞLU ŞAHİN, Betül (2021-09-28)
      The discipline of architecture is a phenomenon that has existed since the beginning of human existence and is constantly evolving. Within the scope of this study, the discipline of architecture has been examined from ...
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      Experiencing The Place, Experimental Learning At Architecture Studio 4 

      DEMİRKAN, Özlem; ŞAHİN, Ali (2016)
      This study aims at presenting the study of experiencing place conducted with undergraduates studying architecture within the scope of the course of Architecture Studio 4. The undergraduates were asked to design a culture ...
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      Importance of social sustainability at the mass housing projects 

      TERECİ, Ayşegül (3rd International Conference on New Trends in Architecture and Interior Design, 2017-04-28)
      Migration from rural to urban area has gained acceleration with education and business opportunity in middle of 20th century. Today half of the world population lives in cities and this rapid migration has caused unplanned ...
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      Kentsel Dönüşüm Uygulamalarının Konya Kent Strüktürüne Etkisi 

      Kentsel alanlar ve yapılı çevre; fiziksel, ekonomik, çevresel ve fonk-siyonel bozulmalar gibi nedenlerle yerel ve merkezi yönetimlerin müdahalelerine açık hale gelmektedir. Kentsel tasarım ve kentsel dönüşüm uygulamaları ...
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      Konya Organize Sanayi Camisi Tasarım Sürecindeki Deneyimler 

      ŞAHİN, Ali; ÇINAR, Kerim; ÇINAR, Sinan (2016)
      Konya yüzyıllardır çeşitli medeniyetlere ev sahipliği yapmış bir kent olmasıyla birlikte Selçuklu, Karamanoğlu ve Osmanlı dönemlerinde de önemini korumuştur. Süregelen yıllar boyunca bu medeniyetlerin bıraktığı eserler ...
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      Mimari Bir Özeleştiri, Berlika Parkı Marmara Yüzme Havuzu Erişilebilirlik Analizi 

      Urban designers and architectures have to clearly understand the physical features and needs of the people they are designing for. In the designing process fields such as anthropometry, biomechanics, ergonomy, biology and ...
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      Parametric Analysis Method for Urban Energy Transformation Projects 

      ERHARDT KESTEN, Dilay; TERECİ, Ayşegül (Living and Learning: Research for a Better Built Environment: 49th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association, 2015-12-02)
      According to the International Energy Agency, lighting makes up about 19% (~3000 TWh) of the global electric consumption. Often the lighting energy savings cannot be provided in new buildings with new lighting systems. ...
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      Parametric Analysis Method for Urban Energy Transformation Projects 

      TERECİ, Ayşegül; ERHARDT KESTEN, Dilay (PLEA (Passive and Low Energy Architecture), 2014-12-17)
      In tandem with industrialization, migration from rural to urban has caused unstructured and unplanned cities. On the other hand the needs of people in the cities have begun to change according to overpopulation, new ...
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      The Representation of Heteropias in Cinema 

      DEMİRKAN, Özlem (Altınbaş University; AMPS; Architecture_MPS; PARADE, 2018-04)
      Heterotopia is a rich concept identified by Foucault to represent highly real spaces against utopia. The term consists of combination of topos and hetero meaning place and different, respectively. It appears to be a medical ...
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      Soylulaştırmaya Karşı Toplumsal Bir Çözüm: Villa Victoria 

      ŞAHİN, Ali; HATİPOĞLU ŞAHİN, Betül (Uluslararası Konya Sanat ve Mimarlık Sempozyumu (International Konya Art and Architecture Symposium / IKAAS’22), 2022-11-17)
      İlk olarak Ruth Glass tarafından 1964 yılında ortaya konulan “soylulaştırma” kavramı, örnek uygulamalarını bu yıllardan itibaren çeşitli ülkelerde vermiştir. İlk uygulama Londra’nın işçi mahallelerindeki konutların orta ...
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      Toki ve Yerel Yönetimler Yoluyla Üretilmiş Toplu Konut Projelerindeki Sorunlar 

      HATİPOĞLU ŞAHİN, Betül (Uluslararası Konya Sanat ve Mimarlık Sempozyumu (International Konya Art and Architecture Symposium / IKAAS’22), 2022-11-17)
      Türkiye’de özellikle alt-orta gelir grubuna yönelik konut ediniminde Toplu Konut İdaresi ve yerel yönetimler önemli bir paya sahiptir. TOKİ 2002 yılından bu yana yaklaşık bir milyon konut üretmiş olup, bu konutların ...
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      The Visualization Of Third Space Through Marcus Hartel’s Street Shoots In NYC 

      DEMİRKAN, Özlem; SEVİM, Halil (3rd International Conference on New Trends in Architecture and Interior Design, 2017)
      Henry Lefebvre builds the production of space on three moments. These are perceived, conceived and experienced spaces. These three moments conceptually correspond to space practice, space representation, and representational ...
    • Yaşam döngüsü değerlendirme yönteminin tek aileli konut örnekleri özelinde irdelenmesi 

      ÖNAL, Huriye (TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi, 2022-06)
      Günümüzde, kaynakların tükenmesine ilişkin endişenin artmasıyla çevresel performansı değerlendirmek için karar verme sürecinde yaşam döngüsü değerlendirmesi uygulanabilmektedir. Bu metodolojide binaların yaşam döngüsü, ...