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dc.contributor.authorKAZAK, Hasan
dc.description.abstractRetail sector holds a very important place in terms of all world economies. Not only are the retailers responsible for the transportation of goods of producing companies to ultimate consumers, but they also carry out the duty to satisfy consumer desires and needs, which is the ultimate purpose of marketing systems. The easy access to information with the advance of technology, the improvements in world economies and global business, and parallel fast increase in producers, products and service have all enabled the consumers to meet a great number and range of products. All these developments have also improved the retail sector in parallel. Along with this improvement of retail sector, it has become inevitable to witness a severe competition concurrently. As the retail sector has grown volumetrically, a set of management problems have also appeared. The success of the retail sector depends mainly on an effectively fictionalized category management. The basic criterion to be taken into account during the management of accurately fictionalized categories is the independent profitability level of each category. The calculation of profitability level of each category and the construction of accurate product mix for that category depend on precise and proper calculation of profitability and productivity for the SKU (Stock-keeping Unit) of each product in that category. However, it is quite difficult to acquire this information accurately due to the complicated structure of product pricing in retail sector. In this study, the challenges in profitability calculation for SKU of each product which constitutes the product mix in each category were discussed and possible solutions were suggested.en_US
dc.publisher2nd International Congress on New Horizons in Education and Social Sciences (ICES-2019)en_US
dc.subjectPerakende Sektörü
dc.subjectKategori Yönetimi
dc.subjectKategori Kârlılığı
dc.subjectSku Kârlılığı
dc.subjectStb Kârlılığı
dc.titlePerakende Sektöründe Kategorı̇ Yönetı̇mı̇ Açısından SKU (Stok Tutma Bı̇rı̇mı̇) Bazlı Bı̇rı̇m Kârlılık Tespı̇tı̇nde Karşılaşılan Zorluklar ve Çözüm Önerı̇lerı̇en_US
dc.title.alternativeThe Challenges Faced in Identification of SKU (Stock-Keeping Unit) Based Unitary Profitability with Regards to Category Management in Retail Sector and Solution Proposalsen_US
dc.typeKonferans Bildirisien_US

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