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dc.contributor.authorAKPINAR, Aynur
dc.contributor.authorAKTEN ÇÜRÜK, Suna
dc.description.abstractFinancial inclusive is a driving force for economic growth and development. Everyone who wants should have appropriate financing facilities. Various investment models and tools for different groups of investors need to be presented. For example, some investors want to invest in short term and some want in long term. Some people avoid from the risk; some may want to invest in high-risky projects to receive high returns. All these needs and expectations can be met through trade-based, partnership-based and debt-based models that oferred by Islamic Banks. The aim of this study is to examine the strategies implementing by participatory banks operating in Turkey to contribute effective usage of financial services by all citizens, convenient access to financial services and enhanced quality of financial services. In this way, t is aimed to contribute to the participation of people who are not included in financial system and to the social and economic justice which is one of the main aims of Islamic finance.en_US
dc.publisherISEFE International Congress of Islamic Economy, Finance and Ethicsen_US
dc.subjectİslami Finansen_US
dc.subjectİslami Bankacılıken_US
dc.subjectKatılım Bankalarıen_US
dc.subjectFinansal Tabana Yayılmaen_US
dc.subjectFinansal Kapsamaen_US
dc.titleİslami Bankaların Finansal Tabana Yayılmanın Artırılmasındaki Rolleri: Türkiye Örneğien_US
dc.title.alternativeRoles Of Islamic Banks On Financial Inclusion: The Case Of Turkeyen_US
dc.typeKonferans Bildirisien_US

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